Our Fellow membership is available to any Full member of IAM RoadSmart, i.e. a current (paid-up) member who has either passed the Advanced test in the past or qualified to become a Full member by exemption. It provides you with enhanced recognition in return for your commitment to keep Advanced driving or riding skills up to date by re-taking the Advanced test every three years.

Becoming a Fellow Member

If you’ve passed the Advanced Driver or Advanced Rider test in the last 3 years give us a call on 0300 303 1134 and we will change your membership to a Fellow one immediately. Your membership fee will be adjusted from the next membership renewal, and after 3 years we will send you a reminder to take the Advanced re-test in order to keep your Fellow membership. 

If you’ve passed the Advanced Courses more than 3 years ago, you’ll need to pass a Fellow entry test. Your membership will then change to a Fellow one, your fee will be adjusted from the next membership renewal, and after 3 years we will send you a reminder to take the re-test in order to keep your Fellow membership.

Fellow Membership cost

The Fellow entry test costs £55 (for both drivers and riders).  

Annual Fellow membership fee is £70 or £65 if paid by Direct Debit. 

The Fellow re-test (taken every 3 years) is free. 

Please note that the Fellow entry test and Fellow re-test do not include any form of preparation guidance or sessions. If you need help preparing, you can take a Driving or Riding Member Assessment and have your skill level assessed by one of our Examiners.   


What if I am both - an Advanced Driver and Rider?

Fellow membership is only applicable to one category, so you need to choose if you want to have a Driver Fellow membership or a Rider one.

I have Masters qualifications and want to become a Fellow member, is this possible?

Masters qualifications are at a much higher level than the Advanced qualifications, so there is no need to have Fellow membership if you’ve already passed your Masters test. Please note that Masters qualifications are only valid for 5 years, so in order to keep them you need to re-take the Masters test every 5 years. If you do not wish to re-take your Masters test, you can switch to Fellow membership and re-take the Advanced test every 3 years instead.

What happens if I fail the Fellow test?

If you fail your Fellow entry test you can retake it as many times as you wish until you pass (you’ll have to pay for every test booking).

If you fail your Fellow retest, you can retake it as many times as you wish until you pass (paying for every booking), or you will switch back to being a Full member.